“The Risk of Being In-between – Interweaving Costume Design and Somatic Choreography Research Practices”
A performative presentation at Critical Costume conference at Surrey University, UK (2018)

This talk embodied and performed methods from our artistic research process for Traces of Tissues, a site-specific costumed piece performed at the PQ Festival in 2019.
How does the material and the body co-create the costume and the somatic movement?
By wearing the connective tissue costume which joins two bodies together, Charlotte and Sally embody their research process live, in order to challenge the current hierarchical structures in-between an inside (sensorial, kinesthetic) and an outside (visual) perspective of costume and the assumed roles of performer, costume designer and choreographer.
This in-between place, transforms design into choreography and choreography into design, a liminal place where the material and immaterial co-exist and work in the unknown territory before form emerges.