Traces of Tissues will premiere at The Site Specific Performance Festival at 14th Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space June 6-16 2019 in Prague.
Traces of Tissues premiered at The Site Specific Performance Festival at the 14th Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space, June 10-13 2019. Traces of Tissues was performed at PQ Exhibition Grounds.

Traces of Tissues is a site-specific requiem for those living in the liminal space – a place in between. Interweaving costume design, somatic choreography and site, this performance honours the present plight of the refugee. Traces of Tissues asks, how do we remember those who have no choice or place to go?
Performers in costumes attached to sharp tall gray pillars in industrial-like surroundings appear as bodies exposed – unwoven from the inside out – revealing trails of inner tissues. The struggle of boundaries and borders within bodies, costume, and site, unite an aesthetic between the tragic and comic – offering transformation. An unexpected dance unfolds between fragility, power and hope.
Traces of Tissues is created by BETWIXT in collaboration with the performers Chrysanthi Avloniti (GR/UK), Daniel Jeremiah Persson (SE) , Robert Williams (UK), Eeva-Maria Mutka (FIN/UK), Poh-Eng San (UK) and Julie Nathanielsz (USA)
Read more about the international group of interdisciplinary artists participating in Traces of Tissues HERE

Texts written about Traces of Tissues
Dean, S. E. and Østergaard, C. (2019), ´Traces of Tissues at PQ: Interweaving Costume Design, Somatic Choreography & Site´, in Crawley, G (ed), Blue Pages – Journal for the Society of British Theatre Designers, 18:2, pp. 16-17. – link
Notarfrancisco, S. (2019), ‘Intergration of traditional and contemporary visual languages evident at PQ 2019’, Theater and Technology, usitt, pp. 36-40 – link
Thanks for support to: Agnes Saaby Thomsen, Julian Harley, Paul Cox, Bee Peak, Berthe Fortin, Kate Pyper, Robert Williams, Poh-Eng San, Susan Marshall, Jeff Higley, Alex Howard, Chrysanthi Avloniti, Daniel Jeremiah Persson, Eeva-Maria Mutka, Mariana Camiloti, Francesc Serra, Ewa Limanówka, Sharon Gimpel, Martha Locke, Anna Cady, Jemima Bennett, Emily, Nicola Clark and Solbritt Isaksson, Dance Research Studio
Traces of Tissues are funded by the following organizations and individuals:
Funding: The Danish Arts Foundation, Nationalbankens Jubilæumsfond, Prague Quadrennial, Sally E Dean Performing Arts and Charlotte Østergaard Copenhagen
Individual Donors: Erika Matthews, Sally Quady and Dane Riley, Deanna (Dede) and Norm Chang
Kickstarter Donors: L B Baldwin; Jack Gilbride; Michael Dean; Joost Van Wijmen; Jonathan Lee, Mark Quady, and Owen; Cindy and Jeff Chung; Glen Simmons; Richard and Nancy Karlsson; Denis and Ella Isono; Priya Bahri; Hollie Amano; Sarah Williams; Sherwood and Maurita Quady; Aaron Gershenberg; Glenn Fujimoto; Franck, Monica, Lena and Elodie Chastagnol; Dana Kokubun & David Hudson; Janet Baumgartner: John Otterson; Larry Rodriguez; John and Sue Dean; Renee and Mark Dean; Catherine Ngo & Bob Hines; Mona Vertin; Ann & Mike Faber; The Creative Fund; Rob McMillan; John Davidson; Sandra and Harold Matthews; Timothy Dick; Steve and Debbie Quady; Marlene and Dennis McCurley; James Dean; Scott and Marilee Quady; Jennifer Kahawatte; Bob and Kathy Heaney; Amy Young; Jack and Karen Stutz; Bette and Tom Hall; Mike Rose; Arnold & Thuy Martines